Tuesday, December 25, 2012

It has been sometime.

It has been sometime and lots have happened. The really big news two Grandaughters. More new a Grandson (we are told) is on the way. Last time around we, Peggy and I had 2 dogs and birds. Sad news we lost two of the birds but gained a dog, Pica. This happened about a year ago when as now I was in S.E. Italy. I noticed by the bank statements we had vet bill and call to find which of the dogs was sick. I was told "all our dogs are fine". Sounds like a Bill Clinton answer to me but the I found out "Pica" was just a visitor. I know my wife and I know that was a true statement for about one second. So I got to meet Pica at LAX on my return from Italy. Just a little sweetie.

This is how I spent my Christmas getting back on the blog thing. More soon really...