Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Why ?

I think if it were easy everyone would do it. Writing is not high-up on my list of things to do and if I don't do it i'll never get better. Thank for looking in and seeing what I come up with, time shall tell.

As "Ted Baxter" might of said, It all started at a netbook keyboard in Tikrit Iraq...


  1. Hi Dane; Keep at it and you will get better. Get someone to proof read your blogs and comments. I imagine that engineering does not allow for too many mistakes. Neither does english, if you want to be understood. Sincerely, Alfred
    Vancouver, Canada

  2. I enjoyed your comment today on Abby's blog and have enjoyed other comments you've posted.

  3. I am glad you enjoy the comments. With this form so many people get to know others. Before this it was Ham Radio. We used it to stay in touch with our Familys in 1970 when I was South (for the Summer). Keep checking back in and we will both follow Abby.
