Saturday, January 26, 2013

Out of Country views


Hello to ALL,

I have been out of town(and country)for the past few months and have missed for the most part much of what has happened in the Homeland. TV provides a look but from what I can tell only if it effects Europe. The death of Norman Schwarzkoph I saw on Face Book(FB)but never on the news channels, CNN-Europe, Bloombergs or CNBC-Europe and I looked I may add. The internet is slow and with a limited time research isn’t high up on my list. If I see it on FB then I can look. I would like to think the friends I have on FB give me a good overall view but in fact but I will tell you it lacks balance. I have always viewed myself as a true liberal thinking person and middle of the road being willing and able to look at all sides of an issue with an open mind and THEN choosing what to support and not. I will also support your right to Free Speech and hope you would do the same. From what I see on FB it looks like a number of Bills at the Federal level are looking to change the simple statement of the second amendment as to the Right to Bear Arms. In looking what is posted I see little to nothing in support of this move but at the same time much against it and that is fine(see free speech). What does concern me is much of what I read does not support a reason to not support it as it is an attack on those who propose the new laws and ties it to every issue that could be connected to. One I saw linked being Anti-Gun and being Pro-Choose as a conflict. Sorry to tell some of you I am Pro-Choose and at the same time I support Families and Kids. The children in our house were raised to think not to follow blindly and to act on what they feel. We tried to educate but not dictate and I think both turned out OK.

Many people have to link an issue to a label; Conservative vs. Liberal and that and OLNY that looks to be the only focus they use. It looks like when one side can not find a good and clear cut argument for their side it then it become and attack on the other side I give you the movie “WAG THE DOG”, my favorite part was the “B3”, every time one side needed to redirect focus to buy them self’s time and tie-up the focus of the other side we heard about the “B3”. Worked in the movie works in real life.

We still have a BUDGET issue but it looks on FB and the News(both sides I may add)like that has gone in favor of Gun-Control. I would ask ALL branches to Focus on issues. Changing Gun laws will not fix the Mental Health or other issues that make some feel this is what they need to do to be seen and heard. Focus on the issues as a single point not something you can hang amendments to that have nothing to do with the real issue and drive up the cost. What I see we need is not more Government but More Efficient Government and if it comes at the cost of more oversight to get rid of the dead weight so be it, if you cost us 40,000 dollars a year(3.5X40,000=140,000 an old aerospace way of figuring true cost)and you saved us 150,000 a year we just made us 10,000 dollars and you still have a job next year. I know it sounds simple but that is just me, one who is willing to look at both sides of a fence.

Don’t look to the past. After the 2012 Elections I keep hearing we lost because we did not focus on the right groups of people and we need to do better in that area next time to win. Maybe a better idea is to have a better overall message so you don’t need focus on one group. To focus on one group to get there vote as a block to me sounds like buying votes, and yes both sides did it, I think one was just more consistent than the other.

We should have a “Government of the People, by the People and For the People” what I see is a “Government of the winning people, by the winning people and for the winning people”. Our Government is made up of three equal branches to work in balance think of it as a seesaw one side gets to heavy it tilts, two side get to heavy it breaks. Just my thoughts. Replies Welcome(in your own words)

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